vendredi 11 juillet 2014

The Most Effective E-cigarette To Quit Smoking Patches That :

A study conducted among 6,000 Britons wishing to quit smoking concluded the superiority of the electronic cigarette to other methods. 
Despite their arrival on the market there are already a few years, the debate on the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation has not yet been decided. Or a new large-scale survey, published Tuesday in Addiction reveals a clear comparative advantage "vapoteuses", which deliver nicotine by air reproducing the gesture of smoking in relation to conventional nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum ). 
Researchers at University College London, led by Professor Robert West, 5863 followed smokers for five years, between 2009 and 2014. They had a common desire to quit smoking, but without medical aid (prescription or consultation a doctor). By adjusting the results to factors that weigh in the success of smoking cessation, the authors of the study came to the conclusion that e-cigarettes increases by 60% the chances of quitting compared to NRT for sale free, or choose not to use anything. 
Effective and "attractive" 
Enthusiasts were vapotage and 20% have achieved their goal, against 10% for substitutes, and strangely, 15% for the supporters of the "hard" method based on willpower alone. "Electronic cigarettes may substantially improve public health because they are attractive and they help to reduce the harm of smoking," the authors deduced. And the benefits of e-cigarettes may increase further in the future, they added. Indeed, the e-cigarette models sold during most part of the study, like false disposable cigarettes are no longer valid and current products differ widely considered more practical for rechargeable and better adapted to the tastes of consumer (there are many perfumes). 
Nevertheless, the researchers point out that the most effective method of weaning remains the medical follow-up by a specialist. "It triples the odds of quitting compared with a method based on the use of nicotine replacement therapy," explains Robert West, professor of epidemiology and public health department. 
Tolerated by the High Authority of Health 
A previous study conducted in New Zealand to 657 individuals and considered one of the most reliable to date, had already compared e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement classic, but with a less striking difference. According to experience, the comparative advantage of the electronic cigarette remained "modest" at a rate of 7.3% withdrawal succeeded in six months, against 5.8% for substitutes. 
Concerning the toxicity of long-term e-cigarette, expert opinion remains divided. The lack of temporal perspective on the e-cigarette, a product whose use has recently exploded, making it difficult to assess health risks in the long term. However, although we can not exclude any risk to health, in smoking cessation are likely to think that the e-cigarette remains in all cases less harmful than tobacco. That is why the High Authority of Health, in its recommendations to physicians delivered last October, has opted for tolerance, without making a therapeutic option. Another frequently cited on the e-cigarette fear is that it serves as a route of entry to adolescents in smoking.

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