jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Stop Smoking A Triple Addiction ? :

Stop Smoking A Triple Addiction ?

Amateur traditional "coffee and cigarettes" or real addicted to nicotine, every smoker is different. You want to say goodbye to tobacco? Step One: evaluate your addiction: is it physical, mental, behavioral ... or a mixture of these three elements?

A method to quit smoking? 

A universal method to stop smoking? The idea is beautiful and attracts many smokers but unfortunately remains utopian. "Some guidelines exist of course, but we must first learn more about the tobacco and cigarette addiction," says Regine Colot, tobaccologist to TabacStop, a project of the Foundation against Cancer.

A triple addiction to cigarettes 
There are 3 types of cigarette addiction: 

-Physical dependence. It results from the addiction to nicotine in the brain and is materialized by withdrawal symptoms when weaning disorders including mood (nervousness, irritability, depression). 
-Psychological dependence. Smoking can often fill gaps in the life of smoking: cure for loneliness and boredom, need for immediate gratification, etc.. 

-Behavioral dependence. It is the result of a "conditioning". The action of smoking is indeed often linked to a place or a particular situation: driving after dinner ... As soon as the situation arises, the urge to smoke again.

Assessing tobacco dependence 

The goal is to ask a seemingly simple question: why do you smoke? "The three dependencies are usually present together in varying degrees," says Regine Colot. "Some people tend to smoke depending on the circumstances, others suffer more physical lack." Knowing its dependence therefore allows for a more concrete and personalized approach. Keeping a journal can also be useful for this purpose.

Implement strategies 

With regard to physical dependence, the use of nicotine replacement therapy is very effective - if the dosages and duration of treatment are respected. For psychological and behavioral addictions, the approach must be customized. After updated risk situations, the next step is to develop strategies to avoid as much temptation. Some examples: 

-For smokers who need to reproduce the gesture of smoking, an inhaler sold in pharmacies keeps gestures while inhaling a dose of nicotine. 
-For those who smoke after eating, leave the table immediately after the meal can not let the desire to settle. 
-A person who smokes to pass the time can try to deal simply. Do not know what to do? Why not take the opportunity to dig up old dreams? Learn music, (re) take the brush or pen ... 

You always smoke while driving? Turn on the radio, whistle, sing ... In short, occupy your mind!

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