mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Smoging Or Be Beautiful Must Choose! :

Smoging Or Be Beautiful Must Choose!

Still need a reason to quit smoking? 
And if you think about your appearance? 
Tobacco has important consequences on the skin and leads to premature aging. 
This is the moment you stop smoking if you really want to stay beautiful!

Why smoking is not synonymous with beauty!

The simple act of holding a cigarette between his lips creates very specific wrinkles for people who smoke a lot ... 

But the damage tobacco does not stop there, by far ... 

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction (reduced blood vessel diameter), which reduces the blood supply to the skin. The cigarette smoke also contains fine particles that stick to the skin, clogging the pores. 

Finally, smoking increases the risk of suffering from rosacea, and the propensity to have bags under the eyes. Not to mention the proliferation of free radicals, small particles that accelerate the oxidation process of the skin, and therefore aging. 

Finally, smoking makes the nails and skin yellowish fingers and teeth also become less white.

Smokers take 10 or 20 years more than their actual age

The result of all these influences is that smokers seem easily ten or twenty years older than their actual age. 

A study has even been conducted on twin sisters, one of which was smoking and the other not - the smoky twin, which was however subject to the same type of living conditions that his sister had a skin aging more pronounced.

So why do we continue to imagine ourselves there is something glamorous in the act of holding a cigarette? 
It seems that women, in addition to physical dependence, also rely on tobacco to control their weight. 
However, there are solutions for weight control that do not involve a dull skin and premature wrinkles!

Which help to stop smoking?

To stop smoking, just proof of will is a solution ... but this is not the most effective, by far. 

You can start by finding a specialist care - from a specialist in smoking addiction, or just your family doctor. 

The use of nicotine replacement therapy (gum or patches that deliver nicotine to avoid withdrawal effects) is recommended, possibly in combination with a drug to discuss treatment with your doctor.

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