samedi 12 juillet 2014

Pregnancy Without Tobacco :

Pregnancy Without Tobacco

Smoking is bad for fertility? 

Yes, it can increase the time required for the design. Upon cessation, everything can return to normal. Wanting to have a child is a very good reason to quit.

When you're pregnant, can you smoke a few cigarettes a day? 

We often hear that it is better to allow a woman to smoke a few cigarettes a day rather than being stressed by stopping smoking. There must be a mistake. It is best to quit smoking altogether because even a few cigarettes is bad for the health of mother and baby.

What are the consequences of smoking on pregnancy itself? 

Smoking during pregnancy carries a number of risks.

- Tobacco is responsible for about 35% of ectopic pregnancies, that is to say that the fetus does not implant in the right place.

- The risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy is three times larger.

- Tobacco is associated with preterm delivery.

What are the dangers to the fetus? 

More smoke is, the greater the toxicity is important for the fetus. In the womb, the fetus receives oxygen through the blood of his mother. By cons, when she smokes, her blood is then charged carbon monoxide particularly dangerous gas. In addition, nicotine prevents proper circulation. The baby does not receive enough oxygen. Other chemicals in smoke are also toxic to the developing fetus, which may be delayed. This is called delayed intrauterine growth (low birth weight, small size, small head circumference).

What are the risks if a pregnant woman is exposed to second-hand smoke?

Passive smoking suffered by non-smoking pregnant women affect the unborn child: the chemicals in tobacco smoke inhaled by the mother pass through the blood of the mother and the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid smoky places.

Can you breastfeed if you smoke? 

It is not recommended to smoke if you breastfeed her baby because nicotine passes into breast milk. Breastfeeding is also an opportunity to quit smoking. Breast milk is the best protection of the baby against infections. Breastfeeding should always be encouraged.

What are the treatments cessation aid allowed during the pregnancy? 

Psychological and behavioral approaches are preferred in the smoking pregnant woman. It is a set of essentially based on the discussion and simple exercises during a consultation with a health professional techniques.

Prescribing nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum ...) is allowed for pregnant women who are unable to quit. Their use must be done under medical supervision for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Pregnant women who are trying to quit smoking benefit in 2013, a fee of 150 € by Social Security to be reimbursed their nicotine replacement.

Medications such as bupropion SR and varenicline are not recommended in pregnant or lactating women.

For more information, ask your doctor, pharmacist, midwife, or visit the site.

The ideal 

The ideal is to stop smoking before pregnancy. If this has not been done, the judgment will always be beneficial at any time during pregnancy for the mother, fetus or baby. It is never too late to quit smoking.

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