samedi 12 juillet 2014

Quitting smoking improves mood and stress :

Contrary to the fears expressed by many smokers, smoking cessation does not increase depression and anxiety, on the contrary. 
In France, more than one in two smokers said to want to quit. However, most do not, partly for fear of being nervous, irritable. A British study published Friday in the British Medical Journal, has on the contrary show that quitting smoking causes mental well-being "equivalent or superior to that of antidepressants used in the treatment of anxiety disorders or the mood ". 
Comparing 26 studies, Gemma Taylor and his team found that after a few weeks off, the signs of nicotine withdrawal disappeared: smokers who successfully quit smoking were less depressed, less anxious and more optimistic than those had resumed smoking. The same benefits associated with smoking cessation were seen among people with mental disorders - the authors do not, however, specify what types of psychiatric disorders were taken into account. 
The assistance of psychological counseling 
"When a smoker has not smoked for a while, he is anxious and stressed, he thinks it is the cigarette that will relieve, it will be beneficial, says Gemma Taylor, coordinator of the study and researcher at the University of Birmingham. Many smokers are afraid of losing what psychological support to them cigarettes if they abandon. "Yet it is cigarettes, including the lack of nicotine, which causes these negative effects. One of the studies used by the authors, a Japanese study published in 2007, shows that after three weeks of stopping smoking, the number of nicotinic receptors present in the brains of chronic smokers is the same level as that of non-smoking. Indeed, a regular consumer has on average 50% of nicotinic receptors in addition relative to a non-smoking *. This return to normal seems to allow withdrawal symptoms decrease. 
The study also notes that smokers relapse less psychologically followed. "The psychological care strengthens the motivation of the smoker. It should highlight the positive elements such as reducing anxiety for the smoker to realize the benefits associated with smoking cessation, "says Le Figaro Professor Jean Adès, addiction specialist psychiatrist at the hospital Louis-Mourier Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine). However, "that smoking cessation leads to a better quality of life is not enough: we need a real motivation to quit smoking," he tempers. 
According to the Health Barometer 2010 the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education, more than 75% of ex-smokers said they had wanted to stop to preserve their health. Other reasons are then environment, the price of tobacco or pregnancy. In 2013, more than 2.1 million smokers bought drug treatments such as patches or gum. But according to the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the new preferred by smokers to quit smoking using the electronic cigarette is: between 8 and 9 million French would have already tried and "over 80% of smokers believe they have completely quit smoking through this. "

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