samedi 19 juillet 2014

Tobacco And Sexuality Do Not Mix! :

Tobacco And Sexuality Do Not Mix!

If smoking once made ​​attractive, with a glamorous smokers cinema image, it becomes less and less true as the image of tobacco becomes negative. Smokers suffer from bad breath, yellow teeth, shortness of breath. When we know more than in love, they are far from the maximum of their abilities, we look at the cigarette as a suspicious eye.

Smokers are less love 

Young couples (24-36 years) healthy and wanting a child should give heart to joy in terms of physical love. And it is a reality because on average, they make love 12 times per month. Really 12 times per month? Yes, except smokers. Couples where the man smokes more than 30 cigarettes per day make love only 6 times per month, or a frequency two times less!

Smokers experience less sexual pleasure 

In the same survey, the degree of sexual satisfaction was explored. In non-smoking, sexual satisfaction is 9 out of 10 whereas in smokers, it drops to 5 out of 10! 
Smokers are therefore twice as love so twice less satisfactory!

Penis erection smokers is smaller! 

Elasticity is a valuable quality male. It is due to a protein that bears his name: elastin. However, in smokers, erections are lower due to carbon monoxide as a gas which narrows the arteries from the first puff. Erections are less stimulating less for oxygenating the tissue. Due to the chronic lack of oxygen in the penile arteries, the proportion of elastin decreases. The penis will therefore not be able to gradually develop its erectile potential. The erection persists, but to reach its maximum size. It is a bit like a worn elastic which would not have the same mechanical properties.

Arguments that fear! 

These elements are strangely little known. What for? Is that they are afraid and they care. Scare smokers? Not at all. They fear those who earn money through tobacco ... Imagine a young man out of his pocket a pack of cigarettes that he hopes to conquer. If this package can read: "Smoking makes the penis smaller" or "Smoking reduces sexual pleasure," it is possible that she wanted to run away rather than be seduced ... So, some do everything to suppress this information or discredit! So you still want to smoke?

vendredi 18 juillet 2014

Stop Smoking A Social Phenomenon Contagious! :

Stop Smoking A Social Phenomenon Contagious!

Smoking is no longer fashionable as a smoking cessation undertake alone in his corner. Now, this group is between spouses, friends or colleagues that you quit smoking and that we encourage. In other words, every person who quit smoking in your entourage increases from 25 to 67% chance of your own break with tobacco.

Now, you stop smoking group! 

The cigarette out of favor: in thirty years, smoking people aged 40 to 50 years has decreased dramatically from 66% in 1971 to 22% in 2003 (according to the Framingham study). The circumstances of the arrest have also changed. Previously, we stopped only by putting himself away from his friends and especially not smoking at the same time as her husband for fear of creating marital problems because of mood swings, irritability candidate at weaning. Today, it is no longer the case as shown by the results of a study focused on the Framingham cohort called (12,000 Americans followed for more than 30 years). Conversely, smokers quit in groups, motivate and train couples, friends, colleagues, as if smoking cessation was now a contagious and rewarding act.

Smoking cessation with friends or family 

A woman who stops smoking decreases by 67% the risk that her husband continues to smoke. If it is a brother or sister who stops smoking, the risk of continuing to smoke decreases by 25%. If it is a friend, the risk decreases by 36%. And finally whether it is a colleague in a small business, the risk decreases by 34%. Except in a couple, the influence of friends is very strong. It also notes that it is particularly important that the level of education is high. However, it is not observed among immediate neighboring geographical area. So today, stop smoking together, highlighting considerable influence relatives on smoking. This finding suggests that the tobacco is not a social vector. This is inversely smoking cessation has become a means of socializing, at least in adults over forty.

10 tips to help a friend: smoking cessation 

The National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE) has already integrated the concepts of solidarity in its advice to encourage the judgment: 

1. Speaking to his family, to his colleagues. 

2. Finding the right words, the right thing. 

3. Being available. 

4. Listening to their concerns. 

5. Taking regular news. 

6. Provide economic arguments. 

List the health benefits 7.. 

8. Enhancing their efforts. 

9. Enjoying good results. 

10. Disseminate stress management techniques.

jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Chat Stop Smoking :

Stop Smoking

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City :
Age :
Sex : Man Woman Other

Stop Smoking A Triple Addiction ? :

Stop Smoking A Triple Addiction ?

Amateur traditional "coffee and cigarettes" or real addicted to nicotine, every smoker is different. You want to say goodbye to tobacco? Step One: evaluate your addiction: is it physical, mental, behavioral ... or a mixture of these three elements?

A method to quit smoking? 

A universal method to stop smoking? The idea is beautiful and attracts many smokers but unfortunately remains utopian. "Some guidelines exist of course, but we must first learn more about the tobacco and cigarette addiction," says Regine Colot, tobaccologist to TabacStop, a project of the Foundation against Cancer.

A triple addiction to cigarettes 
There are 3 types of cigarette addiction: 

-Physical dependence. It results from the addiction to nicotine in the brain and is materialized by withdrawal symptoms when weaning disorders including mood (nervousness, irritability, depression). 
-Psychological dependence. Smoking can often fill gaps in the life of smoking: cure for loneliness and boredom, need for immediate gratification, etc.. 

-Behavioral dependence. It is the result of a "conditioning". The action of smoking is indeed often linked to a place or a particular situation: driving after dinner ... As soon as the situation arises, the urge to smoke again.

Assessing tobacco dependence 

The goal is to ask a seemingly simple question: why do you smoke? "The three dependencies are usually present together in varying degrees," says Regine Colot. "Some people tend to smoke depending on the circumstances, others suffer more physical lack." Knowing its dependence therefore allows for a more concrete and personalized approach. Keeping a journal can also be useful for this purpose.

Implement strategies 

With regard to physical dependence, the use of nicotine replacement therapy is very effective - if the dosages and duration of treatment are respected. For psychological and behavioral addictions, the approach must be customized. After updated risk situations, the next step is to develop strategies to avoid as much temptation. Some examples: 

-For smokers who need to reproduce the gesture of smoking, an inhaler sold in pharmacies keeps gestures while inhaling a dose of nicotine. 
-For those who smoke after eating, leave the table immediately after the meal can not let the desire to settle. 
-A person who smokes to pass the time can try to deal simply. Do not know what to do? Why not take the opportunity to dig up old dreams? Learn music, (re) take the brush or pen ... 

You always smoke while driving? Turn on the radio, whistle, sing ... In short, occupy your mind!

Stop Smoging Is Excellent For Moral! :

Stop Smoging Is Excellent For Moral!

Quitting smoking is not experienced as one might think, as an ordeal. Instead, stop smoking makes you happy and improves the mood of sober. A study proves.

Life really is cool without tobacco 

Upon cessation, the health benefits are immediate and continue and potentiate time. But quitting smoking is also very good for morale and instantly. 

To achieve this demonstration, researchers are interested in a group of 210 smokers wishing to quit. After receiving advice and nicotine replacement therapy, every smoker has programmed a quit date. They then agreed to take a test to assess symptoms of depression. This test was the first time one week before the quit date, then 2 weeks 8, 16 and 28 weeks after. All subjects failed weaning, some do not ultimately being arrested at all (almost half), while others have taken the second week, while still others remained abstinent until 8th or 28th week. 

It is thus noted that the mood of the subjects was the best in the group of abstainers and worse in smokers. Note that "most unfortunate" were those who did not stop at all! 

Finally, to find the right mood, first quit smoking, it is very effective!

See if sad mood stopped because it is not normal! 

Knowing that smoking cessation improves morale, there is no doubt that if you stop smoking and your mood falls below should be consulted! It is perhaps a depression, it is imperative to take care of. And even if you took the cigarette and it helps you feel better. The anti-depression cigarette is an illusion. Do not be fooled. When you are addicted to smoking, lack results in particular in a state of anxiety, which is quiet regularly taking another cigarette. Cigarettes do not have an anti-anxiety effect, it calms the anxiety related to the dependency it has generated.

mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Smoging Or Be Beautiful Must Choose! :

Smoging Or Be Beautiful Must Choose!

Still need a reason to quit smoking? 
And if you think about your appearance? 
Tobacco has important consequences on the skin and leads to premature aging. 
This is the moment you stop smoking if you really want to stay beautiful!

Why smoking is not synonymous with beauty!

The simple act of holding a cigarette between his lips creates very specific wrinkles for people who smoke a lot ... 

But the damage tobacco does not stop there, by far ... 

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction (reduced blood vessel diameter), which reduces the blood supply to the skin. The cigarette smoke also contains fine particles that stick to the skin, clogging the pores. 

Finally, smoking increases the risk of suffering from rosacea, and the propensity to have bags under the eyes. Not to mention the proliferation of free radicals, small particles that accelerate the oxidation process of the skin, and therefore aging. 

Finally, smoking makes the nails and skin yellowish fingers and teeth also become less white.

Smokers take 10 or 20 years more than their actual age

The result of all these influences is that smokers seem easily ten or twenty years older than their actual age. 

A study has even been conducted on twin sisters, one of which was smoking and the other not - the smoky twin, which was however subject to the same type of living conditions that his sister had a skin aging more pronounced.

So why do we continue to imagine ourselves there is something glamorous in the act of holding a cigarette? 
It seems that women, in addition to physical dependence, also rely on tobacco to control their weight. 
However, there are solutions for weight control that do not involve a dull skin and premature wrinkles!

Which help to stop smoking?

To stop smoking, just proof of will is a solution ... but this is not the most effective, by far. 

You can start by finding a specialist care - from a specialist in smoking addiction, or just your family doctor. 

The use of nicotine replacement therapy (gum or patches that deliver nicotine to avoid withdrawal effects) is recommended, possibly in combination with a drug to discuss treatment with your doctor.

mardi 15 juillet 2014

I Quit Smoking And My Sexuality Is Improving ... ! :

 I Quit Smoking And My Sexuality Is Improving ... !

Your sexuality is at half mast? You suffer from erectile dysfunction or disorders of sexual arousal? To improve, stop smoking should be the first recommendation is required! 

Indeed, smokers, both men and women have a higher risk of sexual dysfunction.

Twice as erectile dysfunction in smokers

Tobacco acts directly on the blood circulation. Irrigation is decreased down to the smaller peripheral vessels, including penile vessels.

Note that a decrease of only 25% of the blood flow in the penis causes real problems of erection, while in the coronary arteries, it is necessary a deterioration of 50% to observe the bloodstream clinical manifestations of coronary artery disease, such as angina pectoris. 

This is why the most used to treat erectile dysfunction drugs, they act allowing improved blood flow in the penile arteries. 

Know also that many harmful substances in tobacco are also known to have a negative impact on erectile function by other mechanisms. 

Finally, smokers have a much higher risk for non-smokers cardiovascular involvement, and two times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction, regardless of other risk factors, like diabetes for example. 

In the general population, the incidence of erectile dysfunction is about 28%, against 40% in smokers.

One cigarette is enough to hinder the erection!

This vascular disease is observed in long-term smokers, but also in the immediate future. Indeed, in the released smoke toxic instantly cause vasoconstriction, thereby decreasing the erectile function.

Smokers also suffer from disorders of sexual excitability

By the same mechanism reduces blood flow, women also have disorders of sexual excitability, including a lack of lubrication leading to vaginal dryness. 

But the disadvantages of smoking does not stop there: Smoking also decreases the fertility of both men and women, promotes certain sexual diseases and advance the menopause ...

lundi 14 juillet 2014

Smoking And Lung Cancer : Stop The Guilt!:

Smoking And  Lung Cancer  Stop The Guilt!

Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the world, in both men and women ... 
So why do we talk so little that particularly devastating cancer? Because it is primarily a disease of smoking? This is not a reason: "Nobody in the world deserves lung cancer." You are a smoker or smoker, check out early at the first sign, without the guilt!

To better screening for lung cancer 

To improve the outcome of patients with lung cancer and their families, four objectives were defined: 

-promote public awareness of lung cancer, 
-inform at-risk patients about symptoms and early signs of lung cancer, 
-indicate the sources of information and help, 
-develop lung cancer with health authorities. 

Each year, ten million new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed worldwide. The main risk factor is smoking. Therefore, this cancer has long conveyed a negative image associated with guilt patient does not favor public investment.

The diagnosis of lung cancer is very late 

The diagnosis of lung cancer is too late, that is to say, it occurs when the cancer has already reached an advanced stage. 

Thus the survival rate is low, while there are few therapeutic alternatives. Indeed, investment in research or management has long been lower than that involved in other cancers and other incurable diseases. Health authorities and governments should allocate more public funds to tackle this disease, ensure earlier diagnosis, a better future for patients and a better quality of appropriate care. And of course, the improvement of public knowledge could lead to early diagnosis and save lives.

dimanche 13 juillet 2014

6 New Reasons To Stop Smoging For The New Year :

6 New Reasons To Stop Smoging For The New Year

Quitting smoking is good for health. But knowledge is rarely enough to crush his last cigarette ...

Here are six reasons to quit smoking that you may never have thought. 

For this year is the last smoky! 

1 - Stop smoking to preserve its beauty 
2 - Stop smoking for good teeth 
3 - Stop smoking to feel better and better taste 
4 - Stop smoking for good big babies! 
5 - Stop smoking for the most beautiful textiles 
6 - Stop smoking, it's environmentally friendly!

samedi 12 juillet 2014

Pregnancy Without Tobacco :

Pregnancy Without Tobacco

Smoking is bad for fertility? 

Yes, it can increase the time required for the design. Upon cessation, everything can return to normal. Wanting to have a child is a very good reason to quit.

When you're pregnant, can you smoke a few cigarettes a day? 

We often hear that it is better to allow a woman to smoke a few cigarettes a day rather than being stressed by stopping smoking. There must be a mistake. It is best to quit smoking altogether because even a few cigarettes is bad for the health of mother and baby.

What are the consequences of smoking on pregnancy itself? 

Smoking during pregnancy carries a number of risks.

- Tobacco is responsible for about 35% of ectopic pregnancies, that is to say that the fetus does not implant in the right place.

- The risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy is three times larger.

- Tobacco is associated with preterm delivery.

What are the dangers to the fetus? 

More smoke is, the greater the toxicity is important for the fetus. In the womb, the fetus receives oxygen through the blood of his mother. By cons, when she smokes, her blood is then charged carbon monoxide particularly dangerous gas. In addition, nicotine prevents proper circulation. The baby does not receive enough oxygen. Other chemicals in smoke are also toxic to the developing fetus, which may be delayed. This is called delayed intrauterine growth (low birth weight, small size, small head circumference).

What are the risks if a pregnant woman is exposed to second-hand smoke?

Passive smoking suffered by non-smoking pregnant women affect the unborn child: the chemicals in tobacco smoke inhaled by the mother pass through the blood of the mother and the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid smoky places.

Can you breastfeed if you smoke? 

It is not recommended to smoke if you breastfeed her baby because nicotine passes into breast milk. Breastfeeding is also an opportunity to quit smoking. Breast milk is the best protection of the baby against infections. Breastfeeding should always be encouraged.

What are the treatments cessation aid allowed during the pregnancy? 

Psychological and behavioral approaches are preferred in the smoking pregnant woman. It is a set of essentially based on the discussion and simple exercises during a consultation with a health professional techniques.

Prescribing nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum ...) is allowed for pregnant women who are unable to quit. Their use must be done under medical supervision for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Pregnant women who are trying to quit smoking benefit in 2013, a fee of 150 € by Social Security to be reimbursed their nicotine replacement.

Medications such as bupropion SR and varenicline are not recommended in pregnant or lactating women.

For more information, ask your doctor, pharmacist, midwife, or visit the site.

The ideal 

The ideal is to stop smoking before pregnancy. If this has not been done, the judgment will always be beneficial at any time during pregnancy for the mother, fetus or baby. It is never too late to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking improves mood and stress :

Contrary to the fears expressed by many smokers, smoking cessation does not increase depression and anxiety, on the contrary. 
In France, more than one in two smokers said to want to quit. However, most do not, partly for fear of being nervous, irritable. A British study published Friday in the British Medical Journal, has on the contrary show that quitting smoking causes mental well-being "equivalent or superior to that of antidepressants used in the treatment of anxiety disorders or the mood ". 
Comparing 26 studies, Gemma Taylor and his team found that after a few weeks off, the signs of nicotine withdrawal disappeared: smokers who successfully quit smoking were less depressed, less anxious and more optimistic than those had resumed smoking. The same benefits associated with smoking cessation were seen among people with mental disorders - the authors do not, however, specify what types of psychiatric disorders were taken into account. 
The assistance of psychological counseling 
"When a smoker has not smoked for a while, he is anxious and stressed, he thinks it is the cigarette that will relieve, it will be beneficial, says Gemma Taylor, coordinator of the study and researcher at the University of Birmingham. Many smokers are afraid of losing what psychological support to them cigarettes if they abandon. "Yet it is cigarettes, including the lack of nicotine, which causes these negative effects. One of the studies used by the authors, a Japanese study published in 2007, shows that after three weeks of stopping smoking, the number of nicotinic receptors present in the brains of chronic smokers is the same level as that of non-smoking. Indeed, a regular consumer has on average 50% of nicotinic receptors in addition relative to a non-smoking *. This return to normal seems to allow withdrawal symptoms decrease. 
The study also notes that smokers relapse less psychologically followed. "The psychological care strengthens the motivation of the smoker. It should highlight the positive elements such as reducing anxiety for the smoker to realize the benefits associated with smoking cessation, "says Le Figaro Professor Jean Adès, addiction specialist psychiatrist at the hospital Louis-Mourier Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine). However, "that smoking cessation leads to a better quality of life is not enough: we need a real motivation to quit smoking," he tempers. 
According to the Health Barometer 2010 the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education, more than 75% of ex-smokers said they had wanted to stop to preserve their health. Other reasons are then environment, the price of tobacco or pregnancy. In 2013, more than 2.1 million smokers bought drug treatments such as patches or gum. But according to the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the new preferred by smokers to quit smoking using the electronic cigarette is: between 8 and 9 million French would have already tried and "over 80% of smokers believe they have completely quit smoking through this. "

vendredi 11 juillet 2014

The Most Effective E-cigarette To Quit Smoking Patches That :

A study conducted among 6,000 Britons wishing to quit smoking concluded the superiority of the electronic cigarette to other methods. 
Despite their arrival on the market there are already a few years, the debate on the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation has not yet been decided. Or a new large-scale survey, published Tuesday in Addiction reveals a clear comparative advantage "vapoteuses", which deliver nicotine by air reproducing the gesture of smoking in relation to conventional nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum ). 
Researchers at University College London, led by Professor Robert West, 5863 followed smokers for five years, between 2009 and 2014. They had a common desire to quit smoking, but without medical aid (prescription or consultation a doctor). By adjusting the results to factors that weigh in the success of smoking cessation, the authors of the study came to the conclusion that e-cigarettes increases by 60% the chances of quitting compared to NRT for sale free, or choose not to use anything. 
Effective and "attractive" 
Enthusiasts were vapotage and 20% have achieved their goal, against 10% for substitutes, and strangely, 15% for the supporters of the "hard" method based on willpower alone. "Electronic cigarettes may substantially improve public health because they are attractive and they help to reduce the harm of smoking," the authors deduced. And the benefits of e-cigarettes may increase further in the future, they added. Indeed, the e-cigarette models sold during most part of the study, like false disposable cigarettes are no longer valid and current products differ widely considered more practical for rechargeable and better adapted to the tastes of consumer (there are many perfumes). 
Nevertheless, the researchers point out that the most effective method of weaning remains the medical follow-up by a specialist. "It triples the odds of quitting compared with a method based on the use of nicotine replacement therapy," explains Robert West, professor of epidemiology and public health department. 
Tolerated by the High Authority of Health 
A previous study conducted in New Zealand to 657 individuals and considered one of the most reliable to date, had already compared e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement classic, but with a less striking difference. According to experience, the comparative advantage of the electronic cigarette remained "modest" at a rate of 7.3% withdrawal succeeded in six months, against 5.8% for substitutes. 
Concerning the toxicity of long-term e-cigarette, expert opinion remains divided. The lack of temporal perspective on the e-cigarette, a product whose use has recently exploded, making it difficult to assess health risks in the long term. However, although we can not exclude any risk to health, in smoking cessation are likely to think that the e-cigarette remains in all cases less harmful than tobacco. That is why the High Authority of Health, in its recommendations to physicians delivered last October, has opted for tolerance, without making a therapeutic option. Another frequently cited on the e-cigarette fear is that it serves as a route of entry to adolescents in smoking.

Electronic Cigarette Positives :

Electronic Cigarette Positives

The electronic cigarette is a growing market and several conflicting studies appear on the consequences of the electronic cigarette. 

However, we note that recent studies agree on the positive aspects of the electronic cigarette. 

The e-cigarette would be effective for the smoker who chooses to quit. 

Doctors agree that the level of dangerousness of e-cigarettes is less than the true 

cigarettes kill more than 5 million people a year, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO). 

But experts agree on the fact that there has not still long enough to know the real health impact long term. 

Warns the consumer and préoccupera to provide quality products because there are electronic cigarettes and e-liquids sold by improvised sellers. 

The range of electronic cigarette available on Joytech is recognized as quality products certified.