samedi 19 juillet 2014

Tobacco And Sexuality Do Not Mix! :

Tobacco And Sexuality Do Not Mix!

If smoking once made ​​attractive, with a glamorous smokers cinema image, it becomes less and less true as the image of tobacco becomes negative. Smokers suffer from bad breath, yellow teeth, shortness of breath. When we know more than in love, they are far from the maximum of their abilities, we look at the cigarette as a suspicious eye.

Smokers are less love 

Young couples (24-36 years) healthy and wanting a child should give heart to joy in terms of physical love. And it is a reality because on average, they make love 12 times per month. Really 12 times per month? Yes, except smokers. Couples where the man smokes more than 30 cigarettes per day make love only 6 times per month, or a frequency two times less!

Smokers experience less sexual pleasure 

In the same survey, the degree of sexual satisfaction was explored. In non-smoking, sexual satisfaction is 9 out of 10 whereas in smokers, it drops to 5 out of 10! 
Smokers are therefore twice as love so twice less satisfactory!

Penis erection smokers is smaller! 

Elasticity is a valuable quality male. It is due to a protein that bears his name: elastin. However, in smokers, erections are lower due to carbon monoxide as a gas which narrows the arteries from the first puff. Erections are less stimulating less for oxygenating the tissue. Due to the chronic lack of oxygen in the penile arteries, the proportion of elastin decreases. The penis will therefore not be able to gradually develop its erectile potential. The erection persists, but to reach its maximum size. It is a bit like a worn elastic which would not have the same mechanical properties.

Arguments that fear! 

These elements are strangely little known. What for? Is that they are afraid and they care. Scare smokers? Not at all. They fear those who earn money through tobacco ... Imagine a young man out of his pocket a pack of cigarettes that he hopes to conquer. If this package can read: "Smoking makes the penis smaller" or "Smoking reduces sexual pleasure," it is possible that she wanted to run away rather than be seduced ... So, some do everything to suppress this information or discredit! So you still want to smoke?

vendredi 18 juillet 2014

Stop Smoking A Social Phenomenon Contagious! :

Stop Smoking A Social Phenomenon Contagious!

Smoking is no longer fashionable as a smoking cessation undertake alone in his corner. Now, this group is between spouses, friends or colleagues that you quit smoking and that we encourage. In other words, every person who quit smoking in your entourage increases from 25 to 67% chance of your own break with tobacco.

Now, you stop smoking group! 

The cigarette out of favor: in thirty years, smoking people aged 40 to 50 years has decreased dramatically from 66% in 1971 to 22% in 2003 (according to the Framingham study). The circumstances of the arrest have also changed. Previously, we stopped only by putting himself away from his friends and especially not smoking at the same time as her husband for fear of creating marital problems because of mood swings, irritability candidate at weaning. Today, it is no longer the case as shown by the results of a study focused on the Framingham cohort called (12,000 Americans followed for more than 30 years). Conversely, smokers quit in groups, motivate and train couples, friends, colleagues, as if smoking cessation was now a contagious and rewarding act.

Smoking cessation with friends or family 

A woman who stops smoking decreases by 67% the risk that her husband continues to smoke. If it is a brother or sister who stops smoking, the risk of continuing to smoke decreases by 25%. If it is a friend, the risk decreases by 36%. And finally whether it is a colleague in a small business, the risk decreases by 34%. Except in a couple, the influence of friends is very strong. It also notes that it is particularly important that the level of education is high. However, it is not observed among immediate neighboring geographical area. So today, stop smoking together, highlighting considerable influence relatives on smoking. This finding suggests that the tobacco is not a social vector. This is inversely smoking cessation has become a means of socializing, at least in adults over forty.

10 tips to help a friend: smoking cessation 

The National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE) has already integrated the concepts of solidarity in its advice to encourage the judgment: 

1. Speaking to his family, to his colleagues. 

2. Finding the right words, the right thing. 

3. Being available. 

4. Listening to their concerns. 

5. Taking regular news. 

6. Provide economic arguments. 

List the health benefits 7.. 

8. Enhancing their efforts. 

9. Enjoying good results. 

10. Disseminate stress management techniques.